When a website become your business identity, it’s really important to follow the latest trend. People love to follow if you can adopt these modern qualities easily. Actually there is nothing too bad to flow with the wind. Rather this is very important for web designers in order to keep up with the growing competition…When technology is ever evolving, change is the only constant. Design trends come and go. Some may only breeze by while others last longer. Either way, design trends come into being and fade because of changes in technology and user demands and expectations.

In order to following the trend most of the designers make some mistakes. They sometimes tend to over think or overlook some of the most important details, especially for usability. So here are some Web design trends that are among the fading; you should ditch them if you want to keep with the competition and increasingly demanding audiences.

Complicated design
Less is the new more… seems to be the new mantra of web design. Complicated designs are out of date. Most of the people prefer eye-soothing format. Simple-sleek-clear design helps your audience to find their need. Flashy design loses their interest for you as they may not find anything properly. As well as it takes lots of time to get loaded. Especially flashy design is not appropriate for your mobile. That’s why responsive web design makes its own place at the web world.

Text-heavy site
As visual media continues to gain importance across the Internet, including websites, expect to see less text and more visual stimulation.
Videos are now easier and less expensive to produce, and more websites are including them in their content plans. Web pages are also incorporating more images even as they share their text content.

Clicking Design
Clicking format is not suitable but scrolling is. The scrolling format will dominate as Web design offers audiences a more enjoyable Web and mobile experience. The main difference between scrolling and clicking is – scrolling is a continuation; clicking is a decision. Scrolling is simply continuing to do what you’re currently doing, which is typically reading. And Clicking is like asking the user to consider something new.
So keep this in mind when you’re designing your page, consider what you’re asking your users to do. Are you asking them to make a real decision and go someplace else? Or are you asking them to just scroll a little further to see what’s next? Cognitively, it’s easier to move a little where you are than to go somewhere else.

Distracting background
Design format should be simple as we say earlier. And rightly so, if the purpose of the website you are designing is to provide information, then the focus should be on the content, not on the background.

Endless Web Pages

Websites used to consist of endless numbers of pages. In the spirit of minimalism, expect to see less of endless pages and more of one-page websites. Designers are no longer adding pages; they’re removing those that aren’t really necessary anymore. In some cases, one-page websites can say all that needs to be said.

Huge Stock of Photos
Huge stock of photos in your webpage is out of date. Rather bold, original, and real photos that echo your content and personality are going to trend instead. If you want to relate with your audience more effectively, use real and high-quality photos that will get attention and gain your audience’s trust.

Boring Typography
Typefaces are becoming less expensive, and more and more designers are experimenting with different types. We’ve already seen bigger and bolder typography. Expect to see more typefaces with personality to attract attention and make it easier to convey your message.

Outdated 3D

3D, gradient, shadow designs are out of date. The flat sleek design is in trend now. In line with the industry’s direction toward minimalism, flat design is perfect because it transforms cluttered, overly fancy, and sometimes distracting websites into clean and simple ones that engage and make visitors stay longer.

It’s either by necessity or passion that the things above are born, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It only becomes “wrong” when they are used excessively or of without thought for the users.