Your brand is your product, service, or concept that publicly distinguished from other products, services or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed. Branding can be applied to the entire corporate identity as well as to individual product and service names. Branding is the most important aspects of your company. Proper branding is valuable for upgrade your business, whatever it is a small business or large or retail. Your brand is a promise to your customers. It tells them what they can expect from your products and services. And it also differentiates you from your market competitors.

With branding, you can be visible to all. But that doesn’t lead to your target audience. You have to integrate your brand into all aspects of your company. Let me help you with your integration process.

Brand guidelines: It’s a good idea to having some kind of guidelines that make sure you are consistent throughout all your marketing and communication. This should look at your logo, imagery, colors and text and should, of course convey your corporate message. This can just be a single page outlining the colors and type you use and any images. And remember your brand goes a lot further than just the design.

Consistency: Consistency is the key to make your brand successful. In the previous point we already mentioned about the consistency in your design along with your message, your social media and of course most importantly YOU. If you have a small business, then you are the face of your business. So being consistent is really important for you. So whenever you are talking with your clients or meeting them outside, think how you can present yourself. Same goes for your social media, your website, and your blog: you need to use the same tone of voice and be CONSISTENT!

Corporate message: Putting your corporate message in brand is one of your most important aspects. This is the thing that all big companies do, and something that you should maintain for your small one. Just add some bullet points outlining that reflect your core values and principals, the massage you want to get across.

Communication: You also have to be very apt in your communication. Because, this is the key of your business. But you have to be very clear and specific with your message. You need to reflect and reinforce your brand at all the times.

A brand is about building relationships with your clients so that it leads to long term partnerships. Keep it simple and clear and easy to keep to!